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Dr Sachin Kumar
Assistant Professor
Cluster Innovation Centre
University of Delhi, Delhi. 

Dr Sachin Kumar is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC), University of Delhi(UoD), Delhi, India. He is the Executive Officer of the University of Delhi Foundation. His research work has been published in the domain of urban computing and smart systems in reputed international high-impact factor SCI/SCIE/Scopus journals and conferences such as Energy and Buildings (Elsevier, IF=7.6), Sustainable Cities and Societies (Elsevier, IF=10.5), Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (Elsevier, IF=5.6). His thesis primarily focuses on developing models for energy performance optimization through modelling and prediction of energy usage to improve energy conservation in residential and commercial buildings in order to achieve the goal of sustainable cities and societies. Currently, he is teaching courses and supervising research and development in the area of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Digital Transformation and Governance, Smart Cities, Urban Computing, Information Systems, and Computational Social Systems. He has also written a book on operating systems titled ”Operating Systems: Concept Building and Problem Solving Approach” published by Cengage Publication, USA. He has participated in and demonstrated his research works at domain-specific several highly reputed international conferences such as IEEE- ELM, ISTA, ISDA, IEEE-WCCI, IEEE-IJCNN, ACM-ICEGOV, etc. He has been invited as a resource person to several conferences, faculty development programs (FDPs), refresher courses, and workshops to share his knowledge and expertise.

His main thrust is to develop technological artefacts to solve societal problems with the application of technology and specifically Artificial Intelligence and their deployment in a real-world environment. He also writes on technology and social issues in national newspapers/web portals and creates digital content on the YouTube channel ”Professor and Mentor” for awareness about technology and social issues. He has been continuously providing his consultations to startups. He is also promoting interdisciplinary re- search, innovation, and entrepreneurship, through project-driven pedagogy, research publication outputs, and startup promotion.



To create a bright and sustainable future where Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence(AI) are used to solve pressing local and global issues such as poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, urban and governance issues etc and create more equitable opportunities in society through cutting-edge research and development, fostering collaboration, education and responsible innovation. â€‹


  • To use AI as a powerful tool that can be harnessed to solve society's most pressing problems, from poverty and inequality to climate change and public health.

  • To understand and mitigate the potential negative consequences of AI and a commitment to ensuring that the benefits of this technology are widely shared and accessible to all. 

  • To educate future leaders in Artificial Intelligence and to inspire them to use their skills and knowledge for the greater good.

  • To foster partnerships and collaborations with the private sector, governments, non-profit organizations, and the academic community to promote the ethical and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence for social good.

  • To promote transparency, accountability and participation in the development, deployment, and regulation of Artificial Intelligence for social good and to promote the development of robust policies that ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably across all sections of society. 


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